Additional Resources
I offer additional resources to support the education of your children including activity packs, read along videos and sing along jingles. By creating fun memory games, I take the difficulty of learning out of the equation by providing resources for different types of learners.
Additional Resources

Activity Packs

Read-Along Video

Say What?! Jingle

Activity Packs
My activity packs are the perfect companion to The Animorals and The Little Paws Hotel. They deepen children’s understanding of the book themes with engaging questions and hands-on crafts, encouraging meaningful conversations at home or in the classroom.

Read-Along Video
My read-along video adds an extra layer of fun to the learning experience! In the video, I bring the story of Olive – which addresses separation and anxiety – to life in a more interactive way. Using my soft dog toys as props, I deliver a show-and-tell style session that keeps children engaged, even when I can’t be there in person.

Say What?! Jingle
Inspired by my book Say What?!, this catchy jingle is designed to challenge your children’s memory while empahsising key themes from the story. The sing-along format makes learning fun and helps children recall important gospel truths in a memorable and engaging way.
My activity packs are the perfect companion to The Animorals and The Little Paws Hotel. They deepen children’s understanding of the book themes with engaging questions and hands-on crafts, encouraging meaningful conversations at home or in the classroom.
My read-along video adds an extra layer of fun to the learning experience! In the video, I bring the story of Olive – which addresses separation and anxiety – to life in a more interactive way. Using my soft dog toys as props, I deliver a show-and-tell style session that keeps children engaged, even when I can’t be there in person.
Inspired by my book Say What?!, this catchy jingle is designed to challenge your children’s memory while empahsising key themes from the story. The sing-along format makes learning fun and helps children recall important gospel truths in a memorable and engaging way.
Schools & Organisations I work with