Supporting your child’s emotional growth


Supporting your child’s emotional growth


Supporting your child’s emotional growth

Parent Educator|Author|Speaker

Supporting your child’s emotional growth

Young children struggle to talk about their everyday big emotions. I collaborate with schools, nurseries and educational organisations across the UK to deliver workshops and talks for children, parents, caregivers and teachers. By using my books as a springboard, I guide meaningful conversations that build emotional resilience and positive mental health in children, equipping parents and teachers to confidently and effectively support their children’s emotional development.

I bridge the emotional and conversational gaps between adults and children, making it easier to direct and implement a positive change.





Teacher Training

1:1 Connect








Activity Packs



What an incredible and valuable session from Clare and I feel we could all learn something from her style and enthusiasm. Clare had a large group of children with SEND and Behaviour concerns in her session and yet every single child stayed interested and engaged throughout her session. Clare’s story, props, reading style and energy captured the room including all of the supporting adults.

The session ended with one child at the front running up to her and hugging her shouting ‘I love you’ I was certainly left wanting more and I am sure the children would want this too. Please can we have her back for more sessions!

Claire Spokes
Family Worker/SEN/Inclusion

Clare arrived full of enthusiasm and energy to talk to the children about their fears and feelings. They loved the way she used her dogs from her Dog Hotel to illustrate her messages and are already asking when she is returning.

Ms Hillman

We had such a wonderful World Book Day and a huge part of that was down to their presence. Clare was so warm, vivacious and had the children eating out of the palm of her hand and giggling with delight within seconds of them being sat down in the library. The Y5-Y6 Book Club absolutely loved her too, as did all the staff who met her! I feel every household needs her books and have already recommended her to teachers I know in other schools.

Jessica Murphy
Acting Head of English



Meeting the basket of characters from The Little Paws Hotel was a great hook into Clare’s storytelling which the children were completely engrossed in from start to finish. The hall was so quiet, you could have heard a pin drop. The children enjoyed listening to the story of Peggy and which brought some complex scenarios and feelings forward. The children were eager and comfortable to share their experiences, thoughts and ideas with Clare who valued each child’s contributions. It was a wonderful experience for children and teachers alike.

Megan Lloyd-Dehler
Reception Class Teacher



The themes she writes about are fantastic. Such a talented writer and she really cares about the content; so much so, that she has worked with Educational Psychologists to ensure that the advice she gives via the stories is relevant for children and links with the PSHE curriculum. I have already booked her again for next year and bought a set of her books!

Katies Prest



The parent talk was very informative and the parents that attended the talk found the event extremely helpful for them to use the books in a much more functional way to help with the emotional growth of their children. The live story readings were awe-inspiring and the use of puppets with the story captivated the smallest of children to be fully engaged with the reading, which is hard when they are 2 years old. They are still talking about Olive and many of the children told us they had read your books at home over the weekend.

Charlotte Butterfill



I recently had an introduction Story Club session with my son at his primary school. We both had a fantastic time as my son who can be shy at making friends, enjoyed interacting with Clare and her colleagues in several activities that helped him gain his confidence playing with others and exploring his creativity.

Mr Rama Nauth
Father and former primary school teacher

I didn’t know whether to wake my son up at 3 am to tell him I was going to the hospital. I looked at my bedside table and The Daesy Dialogue was starting at me – I knew I had to tell my soon or he’d wake up having to hear from his older sisters and feel so scared. He was so sleepy and said thanks for waking him. This morning, he Face Timed me while one of my daughters was making him breakfast and he was so chilled. The joys of being able to talk so openly even if painful. Keep teaching us and reminding us to talk, Clare.

Schools & Organisations I work with